Airball One
Map Fun Facts
Map Overview: This is a regulation NXL airball field that uses a bi-color red/blue Empire branded Sup Air bunker set! The layout changes almost weekly, using either a layout for an upcoming event or one that was voted on by our community.
Player Range: 1v1 up to 10v10
Map Size: 120' x 150' (18,000 sq ft) (NXL Regulation sized)
Availability: Airball Open Sessions,Airball Matches
Appropriate For: Weekend Warriors,Professionals
Unique Props: Base Buzzers, Scoreboard, Pit TVs.
Unique Bunkers: NXL Bunker Set
Unique Game Modes: XBALL MATCHES, Pickup Games ranging from 1v1 to 7v7
Map Designed By: Layout changes frequently

Aerial View of the Map