DBS Outdoor Paintball Park
15+ acres with 5 Recreational Fields & 2 Turfed Airball Fields9600 115th AVE SE
Snohomish, WA 98290
(425) 257-9800
Click to Callreservations@doodlebugsportz.com
Click to EmailNew to Paintball?

Great for First Timers
Rental Packages All Include:

Rental Paintball Marker

Rental Paintball Mask

Paintballs - amount varies by package

Admission & Air to the park
Plus Safety Training & Game Orientation!
Best Ways to Play As a First Timer:

- Rental Packages available (new players welcome!)
- Self Equip Players welcome
- Access to all the different recreational fields
- Our Staff run all the games to keep things fair & fun.

Your group will get:
- Your own Referee to run your games
- Your own staging area to use between games
- Access to all the different recreational fields
- Safety training
Age Requirements:
- To play Low Impact Paintball participants must be at least 6-years old & have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
- To play Standard Impact Paintball participants must be at least 10-years old & have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
Numerous Maps to Enjoy

Crash Site
The crash site is an action packed map with air traffic control towers, downed planes, and more!
Made from black corrugate pipe, hyperball fields are a classic way to play paintball!
Our own little village!
Castle Field
The Castle Field features a castle in the 3 “corners” of the map, along with the Darkling woods, a courtyard for Arthur’s sword, trenches, and more!
Black Hawk Down

Airball One
This turfed NXL airball field has a full NXL Bunker set that is currently a bi-color red/blue set with Empire logo. This field also uses the PbResults scoring system with
Airball Two
Game Modes
A Variety of Game Scenarios to Maximize You Adventure
Terminator: This is a variation to the Zombie game. Players are split up with a 10:1 ratio of humans to terminators. Humans can be eliminated by being shot anywhere. TerminatorsZombies
Zombie: One out of every ten players will be appointed as a Zombie. Zombies are only eliminated with a head shot. The remaining players will be Humans. If a ZombieLast Man Standing
All players will start at the middle of the field. When the game starts players will have 15 seconds to go find a hiding spot away from other players. During
Civil War
Players will be split into two even teams. The teams will line up on opposite ends of the field. Players will remove their hoppers, and manually feed one paintball intoDefend The Castle
For this game 1/3 of the players will be assigned to defend a predetermined base. They cannot leave the base, and are to hold of the defenders for 3 minutesCapture The Flag
A flag is placed at the middle of the field. The objective of the game is for your team to capture the flag and return it to your starting base.Team Elimination
For this game players are split into two teams with an even number of players on each team. The teams will be assigned to a base, or start station. OncePresident
A small band of Assassins are sent onto the field to hide. This ratio is typically 1 Assassin for every 2 Escorts. One player is elected to be President. TheHave Your Own Paintball Gear?

Self Equip Players LOVE the flow of games at our facility
We will let you in on a secret... we run a little differently than other parks... we use our QUEUE system to setup games. With this system you walk to the entry point and the referee will split of players so we can run a game ASAP. Players flow to the QUEUE, then onto a map to play. As soon as you're ready you just head to a QUEUE and we get you a game!
We also highly recommend you check out Memberships! Memberships get you free entry & air to our Open Sessions and a discount on paintballs!
Self Equip Players Should Have:

Their Own Paintball Gun setup! This includes a tank & a hopper.

A Paintball Mask (must be ASTM approved)

A Barrel Bag - goes over your barrel to keep your marker safe when outside the live fire zones.

A GREAT attitude. We are all here to have fun, so lets check the egos at the door & enjoy the game together.
We are here to provide a great experience for all, so please come out to have fun & make some new friends.
Best Ways to Play As a Self Equip Player:

Open Sessions allow you to play pick up games with others. We typically see 10 to 60 self equip players during a session. Our Queue system for running games ensure we keep things moving so you can get a many games as possible during your visit. All games are organized & supervised by our staff allowing you to have an amazing paintball experience.

If you want to play on the airball field...
Run over and join of Facebook Group, the DBS Sunday Funday Group. That is where we chat about the pickup games! Join the community & we will get you setup!
The other option is to join the DBS Leagues.