Terminator: This is a variation to the Zombie game. Players are split up with a 10:1 ratio of humans to terminators. Humans can be eliminated by being shot anywhere. Terminators are only eliminated by being shot in a designated 6 inch by 6 inch part of the body! Game is over when all of the Terminators OR all of the Humans are eliminated.
Recommendations: Have the bachelor be the Terminator, or the Boss! With this variation if your group is younger kids or players that don’t want to be shot more than once, you can have an adult in the party or someone that doesn’t mind taking more than one hit be the terminator and the rest be humans! Kids love it when Dad is the Terminator, and dad won’t mind it!
Recommendations: This game is a player favorite at the DBS Outdoor Park. It is rarely played at the Indoor Arena, but can be done. Is great for any group type. Have the Guest of Honor be the President!